2012 Zodiac 5.2
2012 Zodiac 5.2 with Mercury 60HP

t. 03 5248 1752
e. info@geelongmarineworld.com.au
401-409 Portarlington Road
Moolap, VIC, 3224
Stacer 460 Sunmaster Sports
This boat includes: - 2007 Stacer 460 Sunmaster sport - Mariner 60hp 4 stroke- Battery - Rod Holders - Single axel Trailer - Spare wheel - Lots of Storage - Navigation lights - Bait board - Bimini - Back bench - Carpeted Floor - Anchor and lots more. Stacer 460...
Markham Dominator
This boat includes: - 1994 Markham Dominator 5.0- 2013 Dual Mercury 75Hp- Bimini and clears- MarineRADIO - Mackay Trailer trailer - front ladder - Rocket Launchers- Rear Ladder- Live Bait Tank- Sounder and transducer - Electric anchor winch - Hydraulic steering and...
BFG 500 Sports Cruiser - 1991 Yamaha 115HP V4 Saltwater- Cable Steering- VHF Radio- GME Sound System- Lowrance Fish Finder- Ancohor- Winch, Chains & Rope- Rod Holders- Baitboard BFG 500 Sports Cruiser With Yamaha 115 V4$13,990.00Contact: t. 03 5248 1752 e....
Streaker 5.02
This package includes: - Streaker 5.02- Yamaha 70HP- Seatrail Trailer (purchased no long a go)- Rod Holders - Lowrance GPS Sounder- Marine radio - Burley Bucket - Bait board- Electric Drum Anchor Winch- Bimini- Dual Battery and much more Streaker 5.02 with...